This document contains information about the functionalities and the architecture of a Model-View-Controller and Observer Infrastructure (MVC-O from here on) for PyGTK version 2. The aim is to supply the essential information in order to make developers able to effectively use, modify and extend the infrastructure, for easily creating new applications based on it.
Section Installation gives information about the required dependencies, the installation, the distribution and the license of gtkmvc.
Section Motivations tries to motivate the usage of gtkmvc, by discussing the context which the framework is thought to operate, and its main goals.
Section Architectural Overview briefly gives an overview of the general architecture for a GUI application based on Python and the GTK toolkit, showing all major parts, and how these depend on each other. In this general picture, the proposed MVC-O framework is also collocated, to provide an initial idea of how an hypothetical application based on it should be organized.
Section MVC-O Infrastructure describes the basement of a GUI application, the MVC-O Infrastructure.
Sections Details of implementation and A simple application supply some further details about implementation, via many examples. The examples aim to make more concrete the ideas described in all previous sections.
Section Adapters presents a new important feature provided since version 1.2.0, Adapters that make easier exploit the framework when a default behaviour is expected.
Finally, section progen: A Project Generator briefly discusses how a project based on MVC-O can be easily created from scratch by using a little application that is provided with version 1.2 and later.